small slide001The Association of Public Authority Surveyors was formed in 1994 as a non-profit organisation to bring together surveyors employed by Public Authorities in NSW.

As the Association evolved it has grown to include surveyors and closely allied spatial information professionals employed by Public Authorities in both New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

The meeting of members at an Annual Conference provides continual professional development for its members. The Association provides a means of communication between surveyors and spatial information professionals in all levels of Government to increase their knowledge and efficiency.

The Association will be the vehicle for cooperation between various organisations to promote surveying and spatial science practice, land policies, surveying and spatial information systems and related applications.

As a cooperating association of the Institution of Surveyors NSW (ISNSW) and through its involvement with the Board of Surveyors and Spatial Information (BOSSI), APAS has a significant voice in the wider surveying and spatial information community.

APAS also supports universities and TAFEs by providing annual prizes for students and sponsoring student presentations at the annual conference. The advancement and encouragement of students both to join and participate in the profession is considered fundamental to the Association.


The Objectives of the Association as outlined in the APAS Constitution shall be:

  • To provide continuing professional development to its members.
  • To promote sound policies and knowledge development in the fields of surveying and spatial science practice, land policies, surveying and spatial information systems and related applications.
  • To support and cooperate with kindred bodies in all matters affecting the interests of the surveying and spatial information profession.
  • To hold an Annual Conference including the Annual General Meeting.
  • To hold an Annual Dinner including the Grant Kilpatrick Memorial Lecture.

More information can be viewed in the current APAS CONSTITUTION.

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